OMG it's been a week since I last updated this blog! It's been a strange and busy weekfor me. Lots of christmas card making for me to send (not for selling) and parcel wrapping. It cost a fortune to send everything, next year more online shopping and more vouchers. It was also the anniversary of our cat Dugless who died on the 7th december last year. I did my speshal layout dedicated to him this week.
The journalling reads:
" Dear Dugless, I can't believe it's almost a year since you crossed the rainbow bridge. You only had one short year with us but in that year you brought us so much joy and happiness. You were the first pet we ever got. From the day we collected you from the cat sanctuary to the day when you passed so suddenly in our arms, you were a very loved kitten. See you across the rainbow bridge one day!"

Today we went to the boot sale down on the coast and it was fantastic, got a few nice things including a glitterball wind sculpture for the back roof terrace. (will take a photo another day). It was funny walking around in my light fleece and scarf and then you see the tourists in their shorts and t-shirts! I am not fully climatised yet but I would not say it was warm enough for shirts there was a definite nip in the air.