Thanks to everyone for their kind comments and wondering where I have been hiding the past week or so.
Patience is a virtueI have discovered that in Spain when someone tells you they are coming on Monday to fix/fit or quote for work this usually means that you wait all day for them and then they turn up on the thursday. Of course if you go out on the Monday sods law they will turn up. No-one can give a definate time the afternoon is a favourite expression but with Spanish working hours this can mean anytime upto 8pm at night! We had to go to the Notaria in Coín to take away the power of atterney for our Lawyers. 2 hours we waited and then we saw the Notaria for a total of 2 mins!! We have to go back next week, I am so looking forward to that...not.
NeighboursPhoned an internet company to get internet in the house last week and when speaking to the woman she asked me where we lived. Turns out we are neighbours! She lives diagonally opposite me so we met up in the evening for a chat. She has been in Spain for 17 years and speaks fluent Spanish...maybe one day I will too!
The Good StudentI have started my intensive Spanish class and boy is it intensive. I am the only one on the course this month so my tutor is aiming it at my level and really pushing me which is fantastic but hard work and too much homework lol. I have spoken with the owner of the school to ask if there is any of her other students who want to meet for coffee and spanish conversation practice so hopefully that will happen soon.
Internet updateI cannot get internet in my house yet and it is driving me nuts. The last company came today to check and I am not in range grrrrr will need to go with Telefoníca who have a reputation of taking forever....not happy as I am missing all my online buddies so much. I have taken so many photos as well and cannot upload them yet.
sick sick sickI had a horrid virus last week which really laid me up. Having a fever when the temp outside is 40 degrees is no fun.
Poor Kate got an insect bite and then took an allergic reaction. She was covered in hives and still is although we managed to get her some anti histimines this morning so hopefully they will help.
and finally.......on a happy note we got our mosquito frames installed in all the windows which means we can open the windows and the house can have fresh air. skip skip skip, I am so looking forward to sleeping in a cool bedroom this evening.
thanks for reading this lengthy novel!