Monday, May 29, 2006

Packing is not good for your health

or your relationship....grrrrrr. I have kept boxes over the past year of any major purchases so that we can put them back in their original boxes for packing. What does Kate do, ignore that completely and just pack the items anyway without all the extra bits so the pedal for my sewing machine will be in one box and the sewing maching in another.

All weekend I have done nothing but pack and cannot believe the amount of crap we have accumulated in the past 4 years at the hotel. Yesterday I cleared out our storage cupboard which included boxes we have never even unpacked from our move here, they obviously contain "can't live without" items....NOT.

Charity shop has another bumper load for them to sell! Cannot wait for the movers to come tomorrow and take everything away then we can relax(ish) for the next week or so.


I am concerned about Kate leaving the hotel. I think she is institutionalised here and is getting nervous about no longer working here from Wednesday. She muttered something about maybe having to come in after Wednesday to do some work and that lead to an exchange of words! She needs to leave them to get on with things as come the 11th June we won't be here for them to phone and query anything. We both know they are going to be severely short staffed from next week but if the owner does not employ people we cannot be expected to help. I know it is hard as one of friends, our assistant manager is going to be left in the shit but to be honest the owner still has not replaced us and that is his problem.


Blogger Cath said...

Wishing you and Kate all the bast Elaine!

6:33 pm  

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